Book Cover

Fundamental Shiite Beliefs

Author: Abdullah b. Muhammad as-Salafi

Translator: Abdurrahman Murad

Description: In Fundamental Shi'ite Beliefs, the author delves into the rising influence and ideology of the Shi'ite sect within the Muslim world. Highlighting the dangers of their belief system, the book aims to clarify misconceptions and educate Muslims on the deviance within the sect's doctrine. By addressing issues such as polytheism, slander of the Qur'an, and defamation of the Prophet’s companions, the author seeks to warn the Muslim community of the ideological threats posed by Shi'ism. Through references to classical Islamic scholars and texts, the book provides a concise yet pointed analysis of the theological differences that separate the Ahlus-Sunnah from the Shi'ite creed. A brief but critical work, this booklet hopes to serve as a reminder for those seeking to protect their faith and uphold the true teachings of Islam.